The Findlay Rotary Club makes a positive impact in our community and world through the efforts of our many committees and activities.

Club Service Committees
Communication/PR Committee
The Communication/PR Committee promotes an informed membership and creates a public awareness of club programs and activities. This committee works closely with other club committees and projects to effectively disseminate information through the use of appropriate communication channels and available media outlets.Fellowship/Greeting Committee
The Fellowship/Greeting Committee has the important duty of making all attendees feel welcomed regardless if they are club members or guests. This committee provides a warm reception that promotes and builds personal acquaintanceships and professional networks of service.50/50 Drawing Committee
The 50/50 Drawing Committee assists in raising funds for the Findlay Rotary Foundation by coordinating the bi-monthly 50/50 drawing. This committee not only raises vital funds for the many projects and activities of the club, but encourages an atmosphere of fun during meetings.Invocation Committee
The Invocation Committee provides leadership by providing prayer at the beginning of our weekly meetings recognizing our program speakers, any local, national, or international events or crises and pray for one another.Membership Committee
Our club is successful due to a strong membership. The Membership Committee promotes a healthy club by working closely with club personnel to find, propose, and accept new members. Members of this committee also work to foster retention of members through the solicitation of feedback and provision of communication.Program Committee
The Program Committee coordinates the speakers and programs offered at our weekly club meetings. The goal of this committee is to identify topics and speakers that inform and engage our membership.Sergeant-at-Arms Committee
The Sergeant-at-Arms Committee assists in raising funds for Rotary scholarships by imposing light-hearted and humorous fines on individuals and the membership as a whole.Community Service Committees
Awards/Scholarship Committee
The Awards Committee selects and acknowledges a non-Rotarian who exemplifies the concept of “Service Above Self”. The committee coordinates the annual nomination and recognition of an individual that exhibits outstanding service to community, charity, or organization. Also, selects and recognizes the Cliff Dochterman Award recipient a Scouting Service Award for Rotarians.The Scholarship Committee, in cooperation with The Community Foundation, supports local youth through the award of scholarships, emphasizing the ideal of service throughout the selection process.
Currently, the Findlay Rotary Club offers 4 scholarships:
• Findlay Rotary Club Scholarship for $1,000, renewable second year for a total of $2,000.
• Findlay Rotary Club Scholarship for $1,000, renewable second year for a total of $2,000.
• John W. Hollington Scholarship for $1,000.
• Beth Bradley Heck Memorial Scholarship for $1,000.
Findlay Rotary Club Scholarship Criteria
John W. Hollington Scholarship Criteria
Beth Bradley Heck Memorial Scholarship Criteria
Forward Fund Committee
This committee oversees the distribution of resources from the Findlay Foundation Forward Fund. Committee members review requests for funding and make resource allocation determinations. The goal of this permanent fund is to make a substantial and lasting contribution to the local community through the support of worthy causes and projects.Findlay Rotary Club Forward Fund Committee Form is located under in 'Members Area' under 'Forms'
Fundraising Committee
The Fundraising Committee plans, organizes, and orchestrates fundraising activities in support of Community and Rotary initiatives and projects. Fundraising, with Board approval, will occur when charitable needs are brought forth by Rotary members or other community members. This committee works closely with Community and International Projects and Communications/PR Committees.Golden Apple Committee
Educators are a vital component in our community. The Golden Apple Committee identifies and selects outstanding teachers in our area who demonstrate exemplary skills and talents with their students. Members attend classes of the selected teachers to better understand the reason for their consideration. Members of this committee coordinate the nomination, review, selection, and the awards process. Awards are presented at an annual luncheon or dinner event.This committee further provides support to the Golden Apple Academy (which is comprised of past Golden Apple Award Finalists) as a sounding board for the Academy, assisting in administrative and fundraising support of the Academy with Golden Apple Award selections and awards as requested.
Previous Finalists - pdf file
Youth/International Youth Exchange Committee
The Youth Committee helps coordinate financial support for programs in our county that provide services to “at-risk” youth. This committee also helps encourage youth involved in vocational training who have exhibited exceptional drive to overcome obstacles, but who may otherwise not receive public recognition, through the recognition of two outstanding Students of the Month during a weekly Rotary meeting. During that meeting, the students are introduced and details of their nomination are shared with the membership. The students receive a small gift from the Club and a warm round of applause.The purpose of the International Youth Exchange Program is to provide opportunities for young people to experience another culture and, in doing so, to promote world peace and understanding. Students are exchanged with over 37 countries throughout the world. The committee strongly desires that a Hancock youth become an exchange student.
Findlay Rotary Club Youth Committee Funding Request Form - pdf file
Findlay Rotary's Visual Identity Guidelines - pdf file

Community and International Service Committees
Community Projects Committee
The Community and International Projects Committee is charged with creating a positive impact locally, regionally, and internationally by identifying, promoting interest, and facilitating projects, including literacy initiatives, that are consistent with Findlay Rotary’s Mission (Service Above Self, though Philanthropy and Volunteerism) and Vision (Uniting Local Leaders to Influence Positive Change). This committee’s work is the hallmark of what Rotary is all about, identifying needs along with reviewing requests for projects. This committee is the facilitator for getting members of our club involved in fundraising and volunteerism.Committee members work to expand Rotary’s visibility in the community and abroad by supporting a variety of projects that need funding, volunteers (along with organizing those volunteers), foster communications with any sister clubs, and pass project ideas on to the club for consideration. This can provide an opportunity for the club to be involved with different organizations in our community, regionally and internationally.
We are part of an international organization, and our club has a rich history of international involvement. Some portion of the committee funding should be used to support projects internationally, such as MESA and/or any other international concerns the committee determines reasonable.
Findlay Rotary Club Community Projects Committee Funding Request Form - pdf file *
Findlay Rotary's Visual Identity Guidelines - pdf file
*If you would prefer to use a Word file please e-mail admin@findlayrotary.org and request the Word form be sent to you! Thank you.
Youth Service
About Interact
Interact is a service club for youth ages 12 to 18 who want to connect with other young people and have fun while serving their communities and learning about the world. Clubs, which meet at least twice a month, are sponsored by local Rotary clubs. Interact clubs organize two projects every year, one that helps their school or community and one that promotes international understanding. Members of sponsor Rotary clubs mentor Interactors as they carry out the projects and develop leadership skills.Interact has more than 20,000 clubs in about 159 countries and geographical areas, with more than 468,000 Interactors.
How does it work? Click here for further information
About Rotaract
Rotaract is a Rotary-sponsored service club for young men and women ages 18 to 30. Rotaract clubs are either community or university based, and they’re sponsored by a local Rotary club. This makes them true "partners in service" and key members of the family of Rotary.As one of Rotary’s most significant and fastest-growing service programs, with more than 8,200 clubs in about 170 countries and geographical areas, Rotaract has become a worldwide phenomenon.
How does it work? Click here for further information

The University of Findlay Rotaract Club at work